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Happy 19th Birthday To Me :)

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me!

This entry mesti panjang. Serious serious! Haha.

Ehh ehhh, today is 18th Oct already. Actually my birthday is ... When? When? Haha. 13th September. Happy Belated to me. Ngeh ngeh. Dah lama tak update this blog. I think not is the time to update. I have a lot of things to update. But, one by one okay. Hehe.

Happy 19th Birthday to me. Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Allah. Still give me a chance to live. Alhamdulillah. First of all. Thanks for all the wishes. Awwwww :') Sweet gila okay. K, sweet! Sangat sweet. K, nanti bersemut habis. Haha. Facebook, Twitter, BBM, Whatsapp, Text and also Call. Terharu sangat. Speechless semua la. Haaa kan? Thanks so much korang. Love you all. 

To be honest, this is "The Best" birthday I ever had. Thanks so much to all of you. Especially, My Family and Love, Amirul Afnan. They really make my day. Seriously. Thanks to my parent sbb sambut my birthday. Dah lama sangat-sangat. Tak sambut birthday. If im not mistaken, last sambut when I'm in primary school. Haa kira kira. Lamaa ahh kan. Biasa ahh, dah besar besar ni sapa je nak sambut. Haaa haaaa.

Thanks abah and mama, celebrate my birthday at Duta Sand Beach Resort, Berserah, Kuantan. Susah payah semua. Thanks also to my mom's group. Thanks a lot! Thanks and thanks. Ckup tak? Rasa nak peluk sorang2 ni. Haha ;D

This's my firstime celebrate my birthday w/ Afnan. Thanks for coming. Dari Perth. Thanks sayang. I love you so much. I will never forget, every single moment when we spend time together. Aicewah! Hahaha.

Here some pictures to share with you all on my birthday eve,

Very very important person in my life.
Family, Cousins and Love <3


Best gila kan? Ada pulak cousins yang gila habis. Gila la semua :D Hehe. We really enjoy the night. Hehe. On that night, sambil BBQ semua ada karoeke jugak. Hehe. For your information, this is firstime, MAMA AND ABAH karoeke, and selama hidup 19 tahun ni. For the first time dengar abah menyanyi. Sebelum ni, satu perkataan pun tak pernah :( Sedih bukan? Tp on my birthday hari tu abah nyanyi. Sumpah la excited gila. Kami semua jerit2 macam orang gila. Hahaha. Ouch ouch! Haha. And for the firstime me and afnan sing together. Macam apa je. Haha. K! 

Here, continue.. 

Majlis potong kek :) me celebrate w/ aunty Rahimah. because of our birthday sama.

ouh, my sayang at my side. mama suruh! hahaha.

here, the pictures bila kena bang!
okay, Afnan orang pertama. Sedih gilaaa :( Tiba-2 dah la sibuk nak balik that time.

Hadiah pulak : K, gelabah! Kisah apa. Nak tnjuk nak tnjuk!

Gambar atas ni, semua hadiah yang dapat. But still ada yg tkde dalam tu :)

Here, bawah ni, semua hadiah dari love.
Thanks sayang :')

And this kat bawah, I got this today. From my Ze Housemates.
Love you all :') Atie, Atiah and Yanie.
Kiss and hugs.
Nak nangis td :p

Haha. I will never ever forget this memories. We enjoy our night together with all my family, cousin, love and all. Thanks for coming. Hehe :)

Habis sudah! Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh, belum. Actually, on this day. Dalam busy busy pergi sini sana. Kteorg ni degil haaa. haaa! mama cakap, jangan pergi mana2 banyak benda nak kena buat. But, NO! Haha. Before pergi Resort tu. Kami . . Hahaha. Terjun laut dlu mandi ramai2. hahahahaha. K balik2, mama cakap, ni kerja korang. Yang tak bg tu la buat. :( Kena marah, tp kami gelak. Haaa. Lama gila tak kumpul ramai2, bila kumpul mmg best gila gila. Gelak jee wehh! :( Rindu dah ni! 



Ada lagi, lepas majlis semua. Kami ni penat tak penat. Tak kisah la. Kami pergi Teluk Chempedak ramai-ramai. w/ my siblings, cousins, and love. fuhhhh! nampak tak hari memenatkan. tp really enjoy every moment. hahaha. miss this >.<'


Here, end of the story about my birthday.

Hmmm, I miss all this moment. The whole day, we really enjoy so much. Macam nak macam tu sampai bila2. Hmmm. Thanks thanks thanks! This is the best ever birthday I had. Thanks for all your wishes and do'a. 

p/s ; Banyak lagi nak update. Will update soon! See you again.

- Thank you for reading -

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