Wherever you go, go with all your heart ♥- @AsmizaNadiah ( Twitter )

S . R

Sweet tak ? sweet tak ? HAHA. So funny seriously. At last, I know everythings. You make me smileeeeeee and smileeeeee. Laughhhhh and laughhhhhhh xD Setelah bertahun-tahun, I know you, at last luahkan jugak kan? Tak tahan tengok konon. Thank you for express all your feelin' :))) Ngeng sangat selama ni kan ? I'm speechless. Seriously. I nak gelak pun ada, tapi kesian kot. You bukan macam mana you petang ni. Hahahha ! :DD Sebelum ni you lah, tadak perasaan, I citer je, tgok apa respon. Puii ~ :)

Boy, I still need time, if there have a place in my heart, I promise you. I will put you at that place, I have my own reason. That's why I promise you. Thank you, for being so sweet like a candy. You make me smile boy :') I promise you, when the times come. I will take care of you, I'm can't be a perfect person, but Insya-Allah Imma be the best person. I put my finger-cross. I'll to the best more then before, Insya-Allah. IF THE TIMES COME :) Thank you for understanding my situasion now, and keep loving me from start you fall in love until now. "waaa tabik spring laaaa 3 tahun tak kapel dengan sapa-sapa because of me" Haiyoo -,- 
Btw, focus on that girl first okay? Jangan letak harapan pada I. <3 

- Thank you for reading -

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