Wherever you go, go with all your heart ♥- @AsmizaNadiah ( Twitter )

Get Well Soon, Asmiza Nadiah ! Jyeahh !

Everybody busy, asking me WHY ? Hello, kawan-kawan. Mintak maaf mintak banyak-banyak. I don't know how to explain why. Let my family and I only know the reason okay? Pray for me, get well soon. Aku just tak makan, tak minum, can't sleep well, pening kepala. Haa, sebab tu lah mungkin :') No worries, guy. Asmiza Nadiah, will get well soon. Thank you for all your concern. Especially, to my mom yah ;( Really understand me, why. Hmmm. Okay? Haih, -,- Tahun lepas, sebelum SPM dah masuk, dekat Kuantan Medical Centre ( KMC ) At least boleh jalan kat megamall, now ? Kuantan Specialist Hospital ? Keliling perumahan cina, duduk terperap jela. Haiyoo -,- I'm so sorry too all of you. Much love, for you peeps :')

Hay kamu, Terima kasih yah. For all your love, and concern. I dont know why, you're so in love with me. I do nothing to you boy. Serious, I tak pernah ambil hati you, untuk you sayang i macam ni okay? Thanks so much boy. Let times control everything. Sometimes, I think I should think what the better is. Not, only him. Thanks dekat ramai lagi yang tetibe cakap, dorang dah lama sayang aku. Definitely, Fesal, Azzie, and so on. And thanks jugak dekat Enal, Syazani, and also Amsyar. Korang sangat care pasal aku. Thank you! Even everyone was shock, miza why this happen. Espceially deena, deen, no worry. Everything happen for a reason. Mieza tak salahkan dia apa-apa okay? Mgkin ada silap mieza yang tak mampu dia nak maafkan. Takpa, as he said, everyone do mistakes. Let it be, I had shown everything. So, let it be. Deena buat SPM, baik-baik okay ! Thanks sangat-sangat :)

Jyeahh ! Hehehe :)

Haaa, haiyoo -,- saja nak sebok dia kat sini. bukan apa, bila ada bnd alah ni. mula la friend request belambak, not a new person. mesti friend dari friend dari another account. Haha. Lawak bukan ? Haiyooo -,- Sajaa, talk about this. Nak happy kan diri. 

Get Well Soon, Asmiza Nadiah !

Much love,

- Thank you for reading -

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