Wherever you go, go with all your heart ♥- @AsmizaNadiah ( Twitter )

Definitely, Gonna Miss You All :')

D1BM1121C :

Helo guys, first, nak say sorry dekat korang as my classmates for this sem. Sepanjang aku one class dengan korang, kalau ada terkasar bahasa ke, terlanjur kata, ada benda yang tak sedap didengar, terkutuk ke, terasa ke or anything else. I'm so sorry :') For the true, korang best ^^ And very supporting. Thank you, for all my friends iye yang dah banyak tolong in study :)
For, this sem break. Just nak wish, Happy Holiday, at the same time take a good care. Ada jodoh, kita same class and jumpa lagi for next sem. Jaga diri baik-baik. Jadi anak yang baik for your parent, make them proud. :) I'm sorry again. 

I will miss you all my classmates :)

All the best, and goodluck in your life and future. 

Hostelmates :

Here you are, Hana. Fatin Wawa. Fatin Tirah. Shaa. Fatin Mat. The best friends I ever had. Very hyper friends. When together, confirm perut pecah. Kuat merepek pun korang. Once buka cerita semua nak bercerita. Semua hal boleh sembang dengan korang. Very open-minded one. Haha :D Semua nak cerita kan. Politik, gosip, mati, and semua lah. Then, gelak-gelak. Thank you, suka bagi opinion macam-macam. Kongsi life, problem and everything. Dengar problem aku. Tolong bagi pendapat to solve. Korang, best :) Goodluck, for korang punya paper this Friday and Saturday. Jaga diri elok-elok. Lepas ni, rindu. Skype ! Haha :D Apa-apa pun, mintak maaf banyak-banyak okay ? Selalu jugak, gaduh. Haha :D Jaga diri baik-baik. Mungkin kita tak kan satu hostel and one room anymore, one level anymore. It was so bad actually, but : 

I will never forget about you all. 
You all teach me, a lot :')

I love you, kawan-kawan :)

Serangkai Tari ( C.U.T.E ) :

Yeah, Serangkai Tari :) Helo kakak-kakak, abang-abang and kawan-kawan. Thank you for the all memories. Sumpah, korang gempak habis :) Haha :D Tak boleh nak sebut nama. Sebab ramai sangat :) Ceh ~ Just nak mintak maaf, if ada buat salah sepanjang latihan until the day kita perform. Everything, just nice. New Experience, I got. Thank you a lot ! Mintak maaf jugak, kalau ada apa-apa terasa okay ? sepanjang gelak ketawa kita bersama. I will miss you all. 

See you, next sem okay ? I love you, all.


- Thank you for reading -

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